Thursday, May 10, 2007

Acorn Build Up: Sloth and T.D.

Sloth and T.D.

Hebrews 6:12
We do not want you to become lazy...

You may have noticed that there hasn't been a new post on this blog for a couple of days. There are two reasons: T.D. and laziness.

First, the service I use to "feed" these posts to our subscribers has had serious technical difficulty (T.D) since Tuesday. The result is that the Build Up that I posted on Monday still hasn't been sent out to the subscribers. Here's the link to that post: The "Not Yet" Answer

Second, since the subscribers were not receiving the Build Up due to the T.D., I got lazy. It happened so easily and so subtly. For the first time since October I "skipped" a couple of days of writing.

I wonder if that isn't what happens with people in other activities. I wonder if one day we skip doing what we know we should be doing. The next thing we know it has been months. Particularly, I wonder if this happens with people of faith. We skip a prayer, a worship service, a day of reading scripture, or a team meeting. The next thing we know it has been months...

Be diligent!

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