Thursday, April 26, 2007

Acorn Build Up: Face the Mob

Face the Mob

Acts 14:19-20
There came certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium. They won over the crowds and they stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city, for they thought he was dead. While the disciples stood in a circle round him he got up and he went into the city; and on the next day with Barnabas he went away to Derbe.

William Barclay wrote:
The outstanding feature of this story is the sheer courage of Paul. When he came to his senses, his first act was to go right back into the city where he had been stoned. It was John Wesley's advice, "Always look a mob in the face." There could be no braver thing than Paul's going straight back amongst those who had tried to murder him. A deed like that would have more effect than a hundred sermons. Men were bound to ask themselves where a man got the courage to act in such a way.

If you're experiencing difficulty, face it. Demonstrate the courage that is found in Jesus the Christ by looking the "mob in the face".

Take courage!

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