Thursday, April 12, 2007

Acorn Build Up: Concentrate on Today

Concentrate on Today

Matthew 6:34 not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

One of my biggest challenges as a Christian is worrying about tomorrow. So why do I worry? I worry because I just don't trust God enough to REALLY let Him have control of all of my life, especially my future. Instead I cling to the lie that somehow I am the master of my own destiny, and can thereby dictate my future, and that worries me!

How insulting that must be to God. Here I am this little mortal worrying about my future, while all the time God is at work preparing it. He is preparing every detail of the future which I will encounter. He is in control.

God is also preparing me. He designs each day specifically to train me for tomorrow. The troubles, the sorrows, the waiting, the joys, and the surprises prepare me for my future. If I spend my energy worrying about tomorrow, I will likely miss the growth opportunities God prepared for me today.

The best way to avoid worrying about tomorrow is to trust tomorrow to God and absolutely invest ourselves in today.

Concentrate on today!

1 comment:

heiress said...

It seems to me trust and obedience go hand in hand.
David knew this (read the 119th Psalm). If I don't look for signs that I can trust God I am fickle and forgetful and sway from the path of obedience. But why obey?
Well, go back to that Psalm. There is freedom and security in God's hands. That's where I want to lay.
Funny- I think of God's faithfullness in the past tense. He answered prayer or he helped with a situation. I challenge you to look for God in the here and now and thank Him for the faithfullness He shows. When He makes the rain come down, I thank Him for his faithfullness to make things grow and to never flood the earth again. That demonstration of power reminds me I can trust Him. Then, I find it easier to submit to Him and to obey. There is Joy in obedience.