Friday, November 17, 2006

Acorn Build Up: "Rest" (11/17)


Mark 6:31
Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, [Jesus] said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."

As this week winds down, I'm craving some rest! It is hard for me these days to cut out time for myself to recuperate from my labors. Frankly, I feel a twinge of guilt when I cool my heels, even for a little bit. There seems to be an unwritten cultural value placed on over-working, and, recently, I've bought into it!

Jesus was gaining popularity in the region. People were coming and going all the time. It seems to me that this was an odd time to take a break. Our culture would say "strike while the metal is hot", "ride the wave", or some other cliche' that drives people to over-work. But that's not how Jesus led His ministry. Jesus encouraged His disciples to step away from the hustle and bustle to get some rest.

As this weeks comes to an end, consider stepping away from all the busyness to a quiet place with Jesus and get some rest.


Anonymous said...

I agree Lonnie, but make sure that you follow your own advice. Find a quiet place somehow, even if it means locking the bathroom door for a while and taking a nice hot bath and just veg out.

Carol Herdien

Lon Alderman said...

Carol - Thanks for the your comment and for your encouragement to find some quiet time! - Lon