Sunday, March 02, 2008

Build Up: Praise

Matthew 5:16
In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

Thank you for your prayers as I traveled to Manchester, Iowa.  What a weekend!  The leaders of the United Methodist church there invested over 10 hours seeking the Lord for His direction for their church.  The Holy Spirit moved in a mighty way and revealed a compelling vision for the future of their ministry.

My role in the retreat was to guide the group through a process of discernment. We prayed, sang, studied scripture, and worked in small focus groups.  In the end the group gave a huge ovation and many compliments for my work.

This is the kind of work the Lord has me doing.  My purpose for sharing this is found in today's scripture: "let your light shine before men".  Typically when we share such things it is for our benefit.  My motivation here is to give God the glory.  Every scrap of "my good deeds" came from the Lord.  I could have accomplished nothing without His guidance and wisdom.

I'd be very curious to know how God has accomplished good deeds through you.  Please leave a comment on this post, or send me an email, that describes how you let your light shine.  I'll post them so we can all praise our Father in heaven.

Praise God!

1 comment:

Lon Alderman said...

Rachel wrote...

This is one way we are trying to let our light shine-

We will be holding a prayer vigil for the week!

We hope to have 168 hours filled with prayer- the book will serve as a guide. How nice to be a part of it, if something makes sense in what I write, this is from God and is for His Glory. If it's rambling and disjointed-that's the me getting in the way!
Have a great day.