Monday, September 15, 2008

Eight Percent, by Lon Alderman

Matthew 19:23-24
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

This will come across as a strange encouragement, but please see it through to the end. This thought was inspired during a conversation with my friend Jason Woolever. Actually, Jason, thanks for messing up my week!

I've always dismissed this passage, because I didn't think it pertained to me. After all, I'm not rich! Then Jason shared this statistic with me: "only 8% of the world owns cars". Even if that statistic is off, I mean WAY off, like 50% off, then only 16% of the world owns cars! By my math, that makes me, who owns two cars, in a word; RICH! Just because I don't measure up to the Jones family (nothing personal, Dale!) doesn't mean that I'm poor.

I've spent the last five days recognizing the amazing blessings that God has provided for me! I praise God for clean water, a safe neighborhood, schools for my children, a home to live in, safe food to eat, electricity, indoor plumbing, etc., etc., etc.

Friends, if we can access the internet and read this blog, then we are rich. Let's recognize our prosperity and the challenge that comes with riches. Let us sing God's praises for the wealth He has lovingly given us. Let's take our minds off of what we don't have and focus on what we already possess.

The result will be encouraging!


Anonymous said...

First this is the first time I have blogged. Then, let me say how very much I enjoy your Daily Build Ups. There lots of times when it is just what I needed to hear, like today. Thank you for putting my life in perspective. I was panicking today as I listened to the news on wall street. I should be thankful I had money to lose. It all belongs to Him and I just pray that my loss benefits someone who had none.

Continue the great job of building me up.

(a friend of Rachel)

Lon Alderman said...


Thanks for blogging! It's not nearly as scary as it looks, is it?

I agree, these are dangerous times! The danger comes, not from losing our investments, but from the constant dark news about the economy. When we are constantly bombarded by negative news about our loss of "wealth" we start to believe that it's true. If I tell a lie long enough, I start to believe it myself!

By the way, your comment served as a build up to me!

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your leadership in PAMA, Lon.

Lon Alderman said...

You are very welcome! It is a really good group of people. The Pontiac region is very blessed that they are here. - Lon