Thursday, December 21, 2006

Acorn Build Up: Guilt and Rest (12/21)

Guilt and Rest

Matthew 14:23
After [Jesus] had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone.

What is it about our culture that causes us to feel guilty when we even think about taking a moment to rest? It boggles my mind how I can feel bad when I sit down for a short nap even at the conclusion of days of endless working. Nonetheless, when my seat hits the chair the guilt alarms go off!

I understand the role of guilt and shame as they help me understand my sin. But taking a well needed rest is not, in and of itself, a sin. Perhaps it's our deep set concern about being seen by others as slothful. Or, perhaps it's our desire to impress others by our tireless work ethic. Or, perhaps, more simply, our guilt comes from our concern about other people.

Jesus, the perfect Son of God, took time to rest and pray. Jesus, who had unlimited power at His disposal, stepped out of the limelight for respite. Can you think of a better role model?

Get some rest. Again, it's OK!

Merry Christmas

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