Monday, December 18, 2006

Acorn Build Up: Encourage (12/18)


1Thessalonians 5:11
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up...

Have you noticed the stress of the people around you? I have. People are overwhelmed by tasks associated with the end of the year, which are further complicated by the holidays. I hear people say, "I have something every night this week!" I've gotten caught up in it, too!

But what if we thought differently...

What an awesome mission field! What if we considered these stressed out neighbors as opportunities to do some very cool ministry. You've heard of the random acts of kindness. Wouldn't this be a particularly effective time to brighten someone's day? Wouldn't it speak volumes about the God we serve if we built up the people around us?

By the way, the more we encourage others, the more we will be encouraged ourselves. It is like spreading a virus; encouragement is contagious!

I hope you catch it!

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