Friday, February 20, 2009

The Perfect Storm, by Lon Alderman

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

The movie "Perfect Storm" is a dramatic portrayal of a violent and destructive natural phenomenon. A "perfect storm" is defined as:
  • a particularly violent storm arising from a rare combination of adverse meteorological factors.
  • a particularly bad or critical state of affairs, arising from a number of negative and unpredictable factors : the past two years have been a perfect storm for the travel industry.
Again, "God works through all things for the good of those who love Him..."

The challenge for us is to understand that sometimes we have to go through difficulty in order to become the men and women God desires us to be. The "storms" in our life are perfectly designed for the good of those they affect, particularly those that love God.

For example, until I had been fired from a job I had almost no empathy for people going through that crisis. Now that I've experienced being fired I have regular opportunities to encourage people as they work through this painful process.

When we find ourselves in a one of the storms of life, try to keep in mind that the storm is perfectly capable of producing "good" results in us. God is, in fact, at work for our good rain and shine!

What storms are brewing in your life?


Jarvis said...

I have seen the movie The Perfect Storm just once, but it was definitely a train wreck, as they say--I couldn't stop watching it. It sparked some interesting and telling reflection within me. I'll share just one today.

The captain of the Andrea Gail was already behind the eight-ball in regard to his catches. And, against wisdom and despite warnings, decided to attempt a Hail Mary pass of sorts in the form of a timed run & skirt play through dangerous impending and growing storms.

I started thinking of all of the times I felt like I was left without another play, and overextended myself, and my family for that matter. It's a tough place to find yourself, and harder yet, at times, in the midst of the howling wind and waves to hear wisdom, and an alternate plan being shouted at you (or whispered). From this man's perspective(me), as a man, I feel obligated to do whatever it takes to salvage the mission at times. I don't like not having options, especially when I know the well-being of others is riding on my next play. At least for me, the challenge is in the waiting--the waiting for God to produce a better way through or around the perfect storm I have found myself in. More often than not, it seems, the answer is "wait". Some storms we need to head straight into, others we need to wait, until they pass. It is in discerning the difference, as the Lord leads (and as much as I am willing to listen) that I find the most growth, and achieve the greatest results out of that experience. I'm often reminded of a quote from Bill Jenkins during these times: "The identity of a warrior is not destroyed by adversity, it's strengthened."

My current storms: A hole in my roof that I am financially unable as of yet to repair; the loss of a vehicle we cannot replace; and finding and unleashing my God-given vocation he has placed in my heart.

Thank you Lon, for continuing to write and inspire reflection!

Be the Coast Guard in someone's life today.


Lon Alderman said...


Great to hear from you, too! Thank you for sharing your reflections, and, as always, they seem right on!

Whether we are waiting for God or following Him through it, I believe it is the attitude which makes all the difference. Both waiting and following puts God in control and us in submission. Our surrender is the part that matters and it is ours decision to make.

Please keep your thoughts coming!
