Monday, November 26, 2007

Acorn Build Up: Joy


1Thessalonians 5:16
Be joyful always...

I thought I might spread some joy by relating to you a new job interview technique with which I'm experimenting. This is a true story that happened on November 16, 2007.

I was well into the interview when the interviewer accepted a phone call. Sitting across the desk from the interviewer I decided that this was a perfect opportunity to grab another breath mint. In order to access my front pocket I leaned back on the two back legs of the chair in which I was sitting. I couldn't quite reach the mints, so I leaned back a little farther. Just as I reached the point where I could access the mints I simultaneously reached a point in my lean where I was balanced, not falling forward or backward. I balanced there for what seemed like hours not knowing if I would return to my normal upright position or fall over backwards. Unfortunately, the latter transpired!

I fell straight back with my feet up in the air! The interviewer looked up from her phone call and all she could see was the souls of my feet. She shrieked, thinking I needed medical attention and her shriek caused me to think that she may need medical help, too! So I unceremoniously rolled from my flat on my back position to a very funny looking crawling position, stood up, righted the chair, and tried to look like I'd planned the whole thing.

When she concluded her phone call she said, "Well, I thought I had seen it all, but I have never seen this before in an interview!"

I would recommend that you wait to try out this technique until we find out if I get the job. Until then, have a great day and keep all four legs of your chair on the floor!

Be joyful always!

1 comment:

heiress said...

well, they say to make a lasting impression do something OUTSTANDING. You di something OUTFALLING. Maybe it will stick with her!
All my best.