Friday, February 01, 2008

Build UP: The Right Time

The Right Time

Mark 6:50b
Immediately [Jesus] spoke to them and said, "Take courage! It is I. don't be afraid."

You probably noticed that it has been a long time since you've seen a Build UP in your in box. There are LOTS of reasons for this delay, but the one that I need to focus on tonight is what I'm calling "waiting for the right time".

I remember being around people that were going through difficult times. I kept waiting for the perfect moment to offer some assistance, but that time never materialized. I wonder what their would be like if I had acted immediately.

I remember wanting to apologize to friends. I kept waiting for just the right moment, but that time never happened. I wonder what their life would be like if I had apologized immediately.

I remember thinking about getting a Build UP written. I kept waiting for a time when I wasn't so busy, but that time never happened. I wonder who might have been encouraged if I had started posting these immediately.

Jesus often acted "immediately". A need arose and He responded. It appears that the "right time" for Jesus was often right now. Tonight isn't really any different than any of the previous 30 nights. The difference is that I'm choosing that now is the right time.

Thank you to Carol, Terry, and Rachel for helping me remember that these Build UPs meet a need!

Now is the right time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back, Lon.

Brian Bill