Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Acorn Build Up: Suffering


1Peter 4:19
So then, those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.

We live in a world full of suffering people. For that matter, there aren't too many of us that live without suffering. Some suffer in big ways others with less drama, but we all have our seasons and episodes of suffering.

When we find ourselves in one of those seasons, we are taught to "commit" ourselves to God. We have the option to say, "OK Lord, if this is Your will, then I trust you." God is faithful and thereby our trust in Him is not misplaced. Put in the positive, trust in the Lord for He is worthy of our trust.

It's the last phrase of this passage that really caught my attention; "and continue to do good"

When I suffer, all my thoughts turn inward. Doing good for others is not on my radar. After all, I'm hurting! But God calls us to a different standard. Yes, I am suffering, but that may be the very platform from which to do some very visible good. Imagine the impact of trusting God and doing good despite our suffering.

Let's do some good!

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